Sveiki, Batareiki!
Topika nosaukumu gribējās savādāku, bet nekas sakarīgs neienāca prātā.
Neesmu pārbaudījis, bet šķiet, ka šāda satura topika portālā vēl nav. Ja nu ir, tad sorry.
Sākumam neliels atskats vēsturē.
Ir sanācis tā, ka mana dzīvesbiedre galīgi nav apmierināta ar mūsu īpašumā esošo impreza Spec C. Pirmā neapmierinātība parādījās tikai pēc tam, kad viņa ieguva auto vadītājas tiesības. Pāris reizes izbraucot garākus gabalus, viņai ļoti nepatika tas kā auto uzvedās - cieta piekare, "cieti" pedāļi, troksnis salonā un protams auto "staigāšana" pa šoseju dēļ risēm. Vārdusakot, nolēmām auto pārdot , lai iegādātos viņasprāt "braucamu" auto. Sacīts darīts. Kā jau noteikti visiem zināms, šobrīd Latvijā notirgot auto var, bet tikai un vienīgi par krīzes cipariem. Mani ekonomiskā krīze it kā vēl nav skārusi , tāpēc nesaskatīju jēgu likt auto pārdošanā kādā no Latvijas portāliem. Pārdošanas sludinājums tika ievietots pāris ārzemju portālos ar cerību, ka potenciālos pircējus nebūs skārusi krīze un auto varēšu notirgot par samērā augstu ciparu. Un tad arī sākās lietas ar kurām gribēju padalīties šeit portālā.
Jau nākamajā dienā pēc sludinājuma ievietošanas, man atnāca meils ar sekojošu tekstu :
I am Capt. Jim Ovia, I want to buy your car, please what is your last price for the car?
You can write me on my Email Waiting for your respnse ASAP.
Best Regards
Capt. Jim Ovia
Meila teksts uzreiz likās aizdomīgs, jo biju lasījis par krāpniecību, tirgojot auto vai nekustamo īpašumu ārzemju portālos. Bet neskatoties uz aizdomām, atbildēju, ka galējā auto cena ir tāda un tāda. Un vēl uzrakstīju piebildi, ka auto pārdošu tikai un vienīgi Eiropas Savienības pilsonim.
Un atkal nākamajā rītā saņēmu meilu no tā paša "pircēja" . Taču šoreiz lasot to, kas bija sarakstīts meilā, no manas sejas ne uz mirkli nepazuda smaids. Kāpēc? Izlasot zemāk ievietoto meila tekstu, sapratīsiet kapēc:
Hello Dear, Thanks,
Thanks for your information on your vehicle and I wish to let you know that I am surely buying this vehicle and I am hoping as well that we can work together on a better and higher platform. I am a war veteran with the United Nations troop in Afghanistan, on war against terrorism. I served in the 1st Armored Division in Baghdad Iraq.
Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for military action Iraq, I am among the soldiers that have criticized the U.S. policy on Iraq. Based on this, i have been court martial and found innocent as i have a strong opinion towards peace in Iraq. I will need this vehicle for my investment purposes as i will be relocating to Europe because of some security reasons and this is why i contacted you so that we can put head together towards my plan to invest in Europe. As a result of this,it will be important for me to reveal to you that I have in my possession the sum of $26.2 million USD. which i got from crude oil deal in Iraq. I have been deployed to Afghanistan but I have this box in Iraq and as soon as I hear from you of your reassurance to assist me then I will communicate for the delivery with the help of a red cross cargo jet.
I have this money stored somewhere very safe in our camp in Fallujah Iraq waiting for a moment like this to put the money in good use and now that I have been moved to Afghanistan I want the box moved without delay. I have a very profitable investment plans on hand. Instead of allowing this terrorists to get the money and spend it on purchasing arms from Russia, it is better channeled to saving the world. I cannot move this money to the United states because I will be in Europe for about 3years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accept, I will transfer the money to Europe where you will be the beneficiary because I am a currently settling some scores with the pentagon so I cannot be parading such an amount so I need to present someone as the beneficiary.. I am an American and an intelligence officer for that so I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service. I just need your acceptance and all is done.
Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you. Right now i am very careful with the way i communicate so as to reduce any kind of risk until this money is finally in your custody. i shall be communicating to you through email and would also give you a call when it is necessary so as to inform you on any important information. I want you to be brave as i have everything under control. I have every proof of this fund in my possession to show you that everything is authentic.
I can brief you on further inquiry when I am in a secured place . I am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if no response after 3days I will then search for someone else. I am doing this on trust,so i would want you to put aside any act of greed or the thought of cheating as we have a lot to gain in this business relationship. 26.2 million USD is a lot of money which is the dream of anyone. I am in Afghanistan right now and need to secure this money and send it to you if we reach a proper agreement.
I wait for your contact details so we can go on. In less than 5 days the fund should have been delivered to you and I will come over for my money. I will give to you 20% of the sum and 80% is for me. I hope I am been fair on this deal.
Regards, Captain Ovia George Jim.
Dāsns čalis, ne? Lieki piebilst, ka esmu saņēmis arī līdzīgus meilus no citiem "pircējiem".
Morāle, protams, sekojoša - neļausim $$$$$ aizmiglot mūsu veselo saprātu. Ja tiek sūtīti šāda satura meila, vairāk kā skaidrs, ka ir cilvēki, kas uz to arī uzķerās.
P.S. Ja nu kāds varbūt nezin par šo krāpniecības veidu, tad aprakstus un piemērus par to var atrast dažādos portālos (, utt.)
P.P.S. Ja jūs turpinat ar viņiem sarkasti, noturot tos par reāliem pircējiem, turpinājums ir šāds:
Viņi piedāvās pārskaitīt jums noteiktus procentus no kopējās summas (līdz pat 50%), lai jūs priekš viņiem rezervētu auto. Pēc tam kad būsiet iedevuši savus konta un bankas datus, sekos vai nu meils, vai nu telefona zvans un jūs tiksiet informēti par to, ka redz saskaņā ar kaut kādiem likumiem, lai veiktu starpvalstu naudas transakciju, ir jāsamaksā kaut kāds mistisks nodoklis pārsimt eiro vai dollāru apmērā, kuru jums protams pēc tam ar atlikušo summu atgriezīs. And so on and on and on... Viņi sūta gan savas pases kopijas, gan banku izziņas, gan notariāli apstiprinātas garantijas vēstules un daudz ko citu. Un tapēc jums varētu likties, ka viss ir "pa īstam", bet... Parasti reti kurš aizdomājas, ka sūtītajai pases kopijai vai jebkuram citam dokumentam ir izmainīti tikai daži dati, kas šos dokumentus padara par juridiski nederīgiem.
Baigi "izplūdu" ar aprakstu.
Esiet modri, Biedri!
Var būt kāds no šejieniešiem arī ir sastapies ar ko līdzīgu. Varētu padalīties ar info, jo tās krāpniecības shēmas ir daudz un dažādas.
Paldies par pacietību tiem, kas šo izlasīja līdz galam.